Articles & Education

New Jersey Disc Center

Protein Is A Macronutrient

Protein is considered a “macronutrient,” meaning that we need relatively large amounts of it to stay healthy. Children need more protein than usual during growth spurts and women need more during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Protein is a nutrient the body needs to grow and repair cells and so we need…
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Change Your Brain For The Better

Exercise is fantastic for your mind. Studies show that exercise changes the brain in ways that protect memory and thinking skills. Sure, the obvious reasons to exercise would be to lessen the chances of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Or perhaps to lose a bit of weight or lower…
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Sleep Deprivation

Far too many Americans don’t get enough sleep. When we feel pressed for time and have too much to do, we often sacrifice hours of sleep in order to cope. Maybe you’re someone who actually boasts about how little sleep you need each night. But many of us don’t understand…
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All About Metabolism

We all have a friend who can eat or drink whatever they want and never gain an ounce. Some, on the other hand, can’t even look at a piece of cake without gaining five pounds. No fair! What gives? It’s the differences in metabolism.  How fast your metabolism functions is…
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